An error code and message are returned when a resource can't be found, or if there is another issue with the request. Successful responses and warnings are always 200 OK
. Note that a successful request may also include a warning.
Each request will return a GRPC status code. Possible errors include:
Reason | Notes |
400 INVALID ARGUMENTS (400) | The request contains missing or incorrect values. See the error details for additional troubleshooting information. |
404 NOT FOUND (404) | The resource couldn't be found. |
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE | Returned when the resource is temporarily unavailable. |
502 BAD GATEWAY | Returned when the service is temporarily unavailable. |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | Authorization information is missing or invalid. |
403 FORBIDDEN | Returned when the user doesn't have permission to access the resource. |
404 NOT FOUND | Returned when the resource doesn't exist. |