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An error code and message are returned when a resource can't be found, or if there is another issue with the request. Successful responses and warnings are always 200 OK. Note that a successful request may also include a warning.

Each request will return a GRPC status code. Possible errors include:

400 INVALID ARGUMENTS (400)The request contains missing or incorrect values. See the error details for additional troubleshooting information.
404 NOT FOUND (404)The resource couldn't be found.
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLEReturned when the resource is temporarily unavailable.
502 BAD GATEWAYReturned when the service is temporarily unavailable.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information is missing or invalid.
403 FORBIDDENReturned when the user doesn't have permission to access the resource.
404 NOT FOUNDReturned when the resource doesn't exist.